
Bradford Competition Entry- 1st Prize

 Inspiration Board
Final Sample in Context
I won!!

Batsford Application- Shortlisted

The brief for this competition wad 'the written word'. I have been using text within my work through investigating archives. I visited the Norfolk Record Office and looked for documents relating to Poland (inspired by my recent trip). I was shown a photo album showing a mans morbid journey across Poland and Russia during the 1920's as well as a1930's photo album which told the story of the Norwich Scouts trip to Poland. I took photos of the text and made them into kodatraces and hid them amongst textures within my drawings.  

Stew Exhibition

Recently I have been part of a group organising an exhibition at stew called 'seventyone' because that is how many days we had left until hand-in. It was an opportunity for us to show our work at this stage and hopefully get people interested in our degree show. It was hard work to organise this event but definitely  worth it. The private view was really successful with a huge footfall!