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Angela Huston Award

The day before my Brainchild I had my 2nd interview for the Angela Huston Award! I won out of my year group last year, the prize was £125 which enabled me to go on the drawing trip in Spain. This year i showed work that I have made since then including my bird work and fictional city work. Whilst I was at Zandra Rhodes I wrote 200 words explaining how my work had progressed. I became the overall winner and am very very happy. I really enjoyed my interview. The competition is run by the Costume and Textile Association and the judges are so friendly and excited! I won £200 which I shall put towards my 2nd drawing course in spain :) Here I am collecting the cheque

Brainchild Article

After winning Brainchild Competition I was asked how quickly I could make up a fabric depicting Norwich for a magazine called Leap magazine. This was 2 days before I was due to go back to Cambridge as we had broken up for Easter but my tutors managed to arrange some access to the print room. I spent the weekend drawing Norwich and then the Monday dying my fabric and the Wednesday and Thursday printing with discharge. The fabric includes the market, the castle, Norwich Cathedral, St Georges building(NUCA), Jarrolds building, the wall, the train station, shops, houses and the forum. I was really pleased with the results and managed to work to a tight deadline! I also was asked to write an article with the help of Alina who is they lasy behind the magazine. 
This is the magazine! My fabric is on the front! The article about me is on pages 20-29 (April May 2012) 

Winning Brainchild :)

Since Christmas I have been attending the Brainchild lectures, at first not really with the intention of entering just hoping for some tips which may have helped after uni. Then I thought about how what I do could be put into a business idea and with help from my sister, came up with the idea of making personalised fabrics for other people in the way that I had done for myself, so decided to enter. The prize of the competition was £1000 as well as £4000 worth of business mentoring!

So the idea is that people go onto my website, upload photos of what ever they like, things that are special to them. Perhaps photographs of people who are important to them, places, animals and anything else! I would then draw from the photos and make a design (on photoshop) which would be approved by the customer. The client could then choose which colours, fabrics (I plan to offer a silk, a cotton and a wool)  and product they would like (which will include cushions, scarfs, bags, aprons and more) and then i would make it for them!  

I was required to think about my market, at first I struggled with this as I thought it may suit anybody who was looking for a special gift for a loved one. One suggestion that was given to me by one of the judges during the one to one sessions (which I found really helpful) was that the wedding market would be an area where people are likely to be looking for a keepsake gift! 

So whilst I was on my placement at Zandra Rhodes I sent off my application which was a form split into sections and I had to explain my idea in 300 words. Meanwhile, I was also getting questionnaires filled out (incase I got short listed). When I did get short listed I was really pleased but also a bit panicked because I knew that I would only have 2 days back at uni between my work placement and my presentation in which I needed to prepare boards and a powerpoint presentation! I was also exhausted from my placement and had caught a rotten cold of my baby cousin! AND I had another competition interview on the tuesday (which I'll tell you all about later). But I managed to get it all done. I followed up the feedback that I had received from Richard Peat who was running the competition and also had a run through of my presentation with him which left me feeling more confident!

On the day of the day of my presentation I was using the CAD embroiderer whilst practising my presentation to other textiles girls :) ! I was extremely nervous and thought I was going to be sick. I felt that my presentation went very well (even though I was very shaky) and had two hours until the presentation evening, just enough time to go out for pizza with my two housemates :)

I was VERY pleased to have won! 
My Boards

 Me with the Principal and the head judge!

 My Examples!
Receiving my certificate !

I then had to write up a press release for the next morning.
I was in the EDP but was a bit gutted because they misunderstood my idea and said that the customer would be doing the drawing and the designing when really its me! :( Never mind!

My time at Zandra Rhodes

 In march I went to Zandra Rhodes for a 2 week placement. I started off by drawing and then was taught how to 'Zandrafy' my drawings. I really enjoyed working in this completely different style. Some of the jobs that I was given were tedious (like sorting thousands of discs) but even these jobs taught me things! I got to speak to some lovely people whilst I was there and learnt a lot about there experiences and they encouraged and advised me to apply for more placements! I also got to go to the private view of the Postwar Women exhibition at the Fashion and Textiles Museum.
 This is a big drawing with a project in mind of decorating a london phone box for childline.
 This was my first attempt at 'Zandrafying' my drawing but it was still a bit to regimented.
 Post Box ideas
 More Painting :)
 Organising Jewellery
 London Bridge. Whilst I was at Zandra Rhodes I was collecting photos to make a fabric about London. During these two weeks I was sort listed for the Brainchild Award and working on my application for the second round of the Angela Huston Award. It was lovely to talk these through with the girls (and boy) at Zandra Rhodes.
 The dreaded discs. It took 3 days to sort into piles and document all of the discs. The fun bit was putting the unlabelled discs into the computer to see what popped up. I was able to nose at all sorts of parties, collections, exhibitions, shows and much more!

 Collecting photos for a 'london fabric'.

 Where I worked!

 This was the first drawing any input!

Food fabric

I wasn't too happy with this project but I'm glad I tried something new. And the tutors must have liked i because I got a fairly good grade! I'm pretty happy with this final piece in which I hand painted the fish (learning about dyes along the way) and then added stitch and laser cut. I think this piece looks best with light shining through the gaps :)


Sacre Coeur


Pretty food

Premier Vision 
My Fabric!