
Manchester Application 2010

I originally made this blog as a requirement of Manchester Mets application process and this is what I sent. It got me the interview which got me the place but obviously I didn't go there. Anyway I thought I'd keep it on here so you can see some of my work from sixth form and theres some info about the work and me at the bottom

The first drawing that I have submitted is part of a life drawing project. Here I have followed the model as he danced, capturing the movement. This was my second attempt at life drawing. In this session we were given a limited time of two minutes to produce a piece using ink and charcoal.
I have also included an example of my sketchbook work, a drawing showing a cluster of mushrooms used for my mushroom project. I have included an experimental sample in which I have used dissolvable fabric and machine stitch. After this you will see a board of my favourite samples from this project. During this project I learned to draw using the sewing machine inspired by the textile artist Alice Kettle.
My next project was based on insects seen at the Cambridge Zoology Museum. I have submitted a photo which shows three pages of experimental drawings where I have used ink, machine stitching, coffee, paint and dyes. I have also displayed two large final drawings in which I have used coffee as one background and ink for the other. I then began to create insects using machine stitching and layering. The next photo shows a board of my preferred samples from this project. On my final insect board I created many separate insects and then arranged them to resemble flying insects. I think the colours complement each other well.
I am currently working on a project looking at shells and exploring embellishment. I have shown a drawing of enlarged shells which focuses on the detail and shading. Next I have shown a small sample exploring embellishment using a variety of colour and materials. My last two pictures show layering, embellishment and I have made the shells 3D.
My enjoyment in Textiles has grown since I begun studying the subject. I feel this is because I have gained more skills and confidence. I am interested in studying this course as I feel the subject will become even more enjoyable to me as I learn new techniques. I take pleasure in being creative and looking at other artist for inspiration. I am interested in studying textiles at Manchester Metropolitan University as two of my favourite textiles artists, Karen Nicol and Nikki Parmenter, studied there and with the help of this course I hope one day to produce work of their standard.
I am currently studying Textiles, Philosophy and English Literature. In my spare time I coach gymnastics and learn French. I also like travelling as I find inspiration in different cultures and I often take the opportunity to visit galleries whilst exploring different cities.